Connecticut Ski Council
Promoting skiing and other recreational activities
Auction opens Oct 20, 2024 9am
Closes Nov 9th at Midnight

Monday Night Racing 2024-2025
CSC race series at Mount Southington, CT
Celebrating 52 years of competition
Pizza party December 9 – Mt Southington.
The Monday night race series will run 8 weeks:
December 23, 30,
January 6, 13, 20, 27
February 3, 10 and 2 week makeups on February 17, 24.
We will continue to use the Mount Southington database for ski ticket and race fees = it will go thru Mount Southington’s web page. An RFID card will be issued. That card must be displayed or shown EVERY TIME prior to riding the lift. The deadline to sign up for racing is noon on the day of the race, similar to last year. Now everybody that purchased a ticket for racing will be in that nights database, so less errors. You will need your CSC perm# prior to signing up on the web page. Look at last year’s results to see it, or if you are a new racer, contact me at to have one issued.
Typically we will have 2 runs on the main courses, but they will NOT count as NASTAR runs. If you want to qualify for NASTAR you may run on the NASTAR course {skiers right} and there will be no extra charge.
Age is based on you age on December 31, 2024 (for the ski year 2024-2025)
RED Course (old) Men born in 1957 (turn 67 in 2024) and older, and all women, and all snowboarders will have Bibs 1-199 (Red Course)
BLUE Course (young) Men born 1958 and younger (turn 66 in 2024) will have Bibs 200-399 (Blue course)
Any woman racer older than 69 or men older than 73 may run first on their course (the oldest 2 age classes) Last year there were 10 men and 9 women.
Bibs will be handed out on a first come first served basis – and since we have the lottery for race bib order each night- a low number is not necessarily an advantage. Give yourself extra time when you get your bib on the first night. Racers will be responsible to bring their bib each week. Each week will be the same sequence bib order, but the first racer number will vary. Racers MUST turn in their bibs at the end of the season (racers last race night) or their club will be billed for the missing bib.
TICKETS: On-line ticket sales – will eliminate money/credit card interaction. Ticket/racing prices will be shown on the Southington web page
There have been no changes to the age groups. Fees for racing dues were distributed at the end of last season. All racing fees shall be directed to the CSC Treasurer, and are due prior to the first race night. Bibs not turned in from last years season, will impose a $30 fee to replace them. Anyone that did not turn in their bib can not simply show up and reuse their bib- they must still turn them into me.
If you do not have a CSC perm#, your results will not be posted.
If you are new to the system, you need to apply for a CSC Perm number. Information needed includes the following:
Skier or boarder, Name (first & last), address, birthdate, male or female, ski club, email address, telephone #, NASTAR #, [this year a NASTAR # is not mandatory]
(A racer can apply for one on the NASTAR site) All of this info will be entered into the CSC racing database and you be assigned a CSC perm #= this will be unique to you and will follow all of your CSC racing history.
NOTE the information on the Mount Southington RFID cards does NOT carry over to the CSC database, but it does set up the race for each Monday night. Requests for the CSC perm # should be directed to Once the race season has started- all racers should enter into the RFID database (your ticket)
1) CSC Perm#, and
2) the season assigned Bib #, there will be dedicated fields for this information.
Racers purchase tickets on the Mount Southington Web page.
- Racers must create an account before purchasing their initial ticket. (directions are on the website).
- There is a link to purchase racer tickets on the racer page of our website. Each racer will be asked to select the night they are racing and put in their bib number if they have received it, and Perm number for CSC if they have one.
- Racers may purchase multiple race date tickets at one time but keep in mind there are no refunds so don’t sign up for nights you will not attend. In case of a weather cancelled event -credit will be moved to the next event.
- Everyone needs to purchase a $5 media fee with their first purchase (unless they have purchased one as of August 1, 2023). This is an RFID card that is replacing all sticky and paper tickets this season.
- Racers can reload race tickets onto their RFID card for each race, so only one is needed.
- Racers must always carry their RFID card with them when they are in the lift lines. Everyone’s card will be scanned every time, no exceptions.
- On the first race night each racer will pick up their RFID card (this card can be picked up earlier to avoid lines) and get their bib for the season.
- After the first race, anyone who has their bib can simply load their card with a race ticket ahead of time, and go directly onto the slopes with their RFID card.
- Since our main race will not count as NASTAR- you may or may not enter your NASTAR number (it is not a mandatory field)
- At the Pizza party we will hand out bibs – bibs are a mandatory field on the RFID cards
- Your perm number will be available for your information and your input for your RFID card (on line)
- RFIDs WILL NOT be handed out at the pizza party.
New Racers – Requests for the CSC perm # should be directed to
COURSE CHANGES: age group of men (65-66) will go back to the younger men’s course (Blue).
2023-2024 Men born in 1958 (turn 66 in 2024) and older, women, and all snowboarders will have Bibs 1-199 (Blue Course)
Men born 1957 and younger (turn 67 in 2024) will have Bibs 200-399 (Red course)
Bibs will be handed out on a first come first served basis – and since we have the lottery for race bib order each night- a low number is not necessarily an advantage. Give yourself extra time when you get your bib if you get it on the first race night.
Monday Info needed for racing:
Skier or boarder, Name (first & last), address, birthdate, male or female, ski club, email address, tel #, NASTAR #, (if you do not have a NASTAR #, one will be assigned to you on your first race) = All of this info must be entered into the CSC racing database and you be assigned a CSC perm #= this will be unique to you and will follow all of your racing history. In order to race, you must be a paid member of one of the CT Ski Council member clubs. Once you have a perm #, updates of current/or changed information should be forwarded to Also initial requests for perm # should be directed to this email.
In order to race on a Monday night, the CSC will use a new Mou8nt Southington web site for payment for racing and ski ticket. Payment for Monday and Tuesday night racing will go through the Mount Southington online sales system, not AdminSports.
This should be done between Friday and noon on the Monday of the race. You must register on line prior to the race- NO EXCEPTION- there will be no walk ins the day of the race. Registration on Mount Southington site should happen in advance of any race and both the NASTAR # and Perm # are required for initial registration.
Bibs will be handed out at your first race, and you will keep them for the season. They must be turned in at the end of the season (or your last race). Run order is determined by a lottery number for each course. That number runs first, and others follow in order, and it loops around. There can be 2 runs, the best run counts. Men 65 & over, women, and snowboarders run on the skiers right course, Men 64 & under on the skiers left course. There is a 3rd course (skiers far right) that is a training NASTAR course- for an extra fee (sign up for NASTAR) on the web page.
If you have questions please also direct them to

Race Ticket includes 2 runs, best run counts | $40 |
Race Ticket w/ Season Pass or for 65 & over | $30 |
NASTAR is free on the skiers right course for all racers. | $0 |
NOTE: There is a one time $5 charge for a reloadable RFID card. The RFID card will be scanned before getting on the lift, each time; therefore, every racer must have their card on them when entering the lift line. No racer will be allowed on the lift without a valid RFID card.
Pizza Availability
When called in by noon on Monday of the race night, highly rated (by Rob), pizza is available on Monday nights from the Pizza on Demand truck. Call 860-992-8382 (Jeff) or email
Priced at $15.00 for a large and $1.00 extra for toppings.
Food prices have not yet been determined.
2022-2023 Racing Summary
Our Monday night race series was a big success. We held all 8 weeks of racing.
We had our awards party at Mount Southington on Monday March 6th the first time in a while to have a party. Awards were handed out for the 50th year Monday night series.
Ron Kapraszewski, his brother Bruce and Steve Jackson were the founders of the Monday night series 50 years ago. Ron is still actively racing, but both Bruce and Steve have passed. I made and presented a ski chair to Ron, in honor of his brother Bruce, with Bruce’s skis a part of that chair. Carol Sweeney was also honored as one of the initial race recorders for results in the early seasons. Carol was presented a picture from the artist from Tully NY, Grant Doldge. Grant continues to not be the best businessman by still not putting his name and address on the back of the first place pictures, but he is a very talented artist- with his signed and numbered ski prints. Also handed out were white engraved ceramic cups for second and a white engraved ceramic mugs for 3rd. The Monday Night series was the only race awards that were handed out as this was the only series we were able to hold this season.
For the 3rd Monday season, we handed out permanent bibs and it was again a success=however I am still missing 22 bibs. I had ordered all the missing replacement bibs for any bibs that were missing last year. As last year, I will charge the ski club $30 for bibs not turned in prior to the last CSC meeting. Thanks to all team captains for following this up- I sent out a list of names and the bibs to the team captains.
I have asked for racer feedback about Monday night.
2019-2020 averaged 126 racers,
2020-2021 averaged 106 racers,
2021-2022 averaged 97 racers
2022-2023 averaged 117 racers.
We had an 18% increase of skiers from last year.
Thanks to all the work Ron Kapraszewski and Lynn Swanson did on handing out swag- and prizes, selected by bib numbers- I believe that was a factor in increasing our race numbers. If you have suggestions on how to increase our participation – please email me or write to me and let me know.
Thank you all racers for making this season a Healthy & safe success!
Rob Dexter
146 Selden Hill Drive
West Hartford, CT 06107
(cell) 860 836-9304

Race History Document
RESULTS 2023-2024
Current Points by Age- week 8 Final
Week 8 Teams Standings Report_(Club Points)
Week 8 Race – Individual Finish Report
Week 7 Race- Invdividual Finish Report
Week 6 Race- Individual Finish Report
Week 5 – Individual Finish Report
Week 4 – Individual Finish Report
Week 3 – Individual Finish Report
Week 2 – Individual Finish Report
Week 1 – Individual Finish Report
RESULTS 2022-2023
Summary Report (Week 8) – R_MondayReport#4FINAL
Week 8 – Finish Report – R_MondayFinish#2wk8A
Week 8 – Individual Points by Age Report – R_MondayReport#5FINAL
Week 7 – Finish Report – R_MondayFinish#2wk7
Week 6 – Finish Report – R_MondayFinish#2wk6A
Week 5 – Finish Report – R_MondayFinish#2wk5A
Week 4 – Finish Report – R_MondayFinish#2wk4A
Week 3 – Finish Report – R_MondayFinish#2wk3B
Week 2 – Finish Report – R_MondayFinish#2wk2H
Week 1 – Finish Report (Updated 1/12/2023) – R_MondayFinish#2wk1F
Results 2021-2022
Week 8 – Revised Results – Summary Report & Individual Points by Age Class – #4,5Final2 – Sorry it’s sideways.
Week 7 Finish report – Finish Report #2WK7D
Week 6 Finish report – Finish Report #2WK6
Week 5 Finish report – Finish Report #2WK5F
Week 4 Finish report – Finish Report #2WK4D
Week 3 Finish report – Finish Report #2WK3F
Week 2 Finish report – Finish Report #2WK2C
Week 1 Finish report – Finish Report #2WK1A
Below are logos from our Donors that help contribute to our Racing experience. Please consider supporting them they way they support us and by local.